- win7, win8 에서 클라이언트의 *.htx, *.hwx 파일이 XSviewer.exe 로 열리지 않는 현상이 관찰되어
인스톨쉴드(버전 X) 스크립트로 해당 확장자에 대해 XSviewer.exe 로 연결시킴
- 설치완료 후엔 레지스트리에 다음과 같이 추가된다
- 참고로 아래 부분은 On END 쪽에 넣으면 설치완료후 확인창이 나오지 않기에 OnFirstUIAfter() 쪽에 넣고 메시지박스로 출력하도록 조정
- 위의 OnFirstUIAfter() 쪽에 넣으면 특정 파일들 (dll ) 이 레지스트리에 등록이 되지 않아 OnMoved() 로 변경
: 참고로 onMoved() 는 설치할 파일이 PC에 복사되고 난 후 실행되는 부분
prototype NUMBER MakeAssociation(STRING, STRING,STRING);
prototype NUMBER MakeAssociationEx1(STRING, STRING,STRING);
prototype NUMBER MakeAssociationEx2(STRING, STRING,STRING);
// //
// 확장자, 확장자 아이콘 등록 함수 //
// Function: MakeAssociation //
// //
// Purpose: Creates a file association in the Registry. Use //
// this function for Explorer shell only, as it will //
// not create the extra application identification keys, //
// which are necessary for Program Mananger shell. //
// For Program Manager shell, you can use the script- //
// based function MakeAssociationEx. //
// //
// Parameters: //
// szApp: String with full path to the executable to be //
// associated with the file extension. //
// //
// szExtension: String with the extension to be associated //
// with an application. Must include the preceding //
// period (for example: ".txt") //
// //
// szIcon : String with full path to the executable to be //
// associated with the file Icon //
// //
// //
function MakeAssociation(szApp, szExtension, szIcon)
BOOL bResult;
NUMBER nResult;
STRING szOpen;
RegDBSetDefaultRoot ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT );
//bResult = RegDBKeyExist(szExtension);
//if (bResult = TRUE) then
// nResult = AskYesNo ("Warning the extension " + szExtension + " is already registered. Overwrite?", YES);
// if (nResult = NO) then
// return -1;
// endif;
// endif;
LongPathToShortPath (szApp);
szApp = szApp + " \"%1\"";
szOpen = "open" + " \"%1\"";
RegDBCreateKeyEx (szExtension, "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (szExtension + "\\DefaultIcon", "");
RegDBSetKeyValueEx (szExtension + "\\DefaultIcon","", REGDB_STRING, szIcon, -1);
RegDBCreateKeyEx (szExtension + "\\shell", "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (szExtension + "\\shell\\open", "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (szExtension + "\\shell\\open\\command", "");
RegDBSetKeyValueEx (szExtension + "\\shell\\open\\command", "", REGDB_STRING, szApp, -1);
//RegDBCreateKeyEx (szExtension + "\\shell\\open\\ddeexec", "");//추가
//RegDBSetKeyValueEx (szExtension + "\\shell\\open\\ddeexec", "", REGDB_STRING, szOpen, -1);//추가
return 0;
function MakeAssociationEx1(szApp, szExtension, szName)
BOOL bResult;
NUMBER nResult;
STRING svKeyName;
RegDBSetDefaultRoot ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT );
StrSub ( svKeyName , szExtension , 1 , 3 );
svKeyName = svKeyName + ".Document";
// bResult = RegDBKeyExist(szExtension);
// if (bResult = TRUE) then
// nResult = AskYesNo ("Warning the extension " + szExtension + " is already registered. Overwrite?", YES);
// if (nResult = NO) then
// return -1;
// endif;
// endif;
LongPathToShortPath (szApp);
szApp = szApp + " \"%1\"";
RegDBCreateKeyEx (szExtension, "");
RegDBSetKeyValueEx ( szExtension , "" , REGDB_STRING , svKeyName , -1 );
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName, "");
RegDBSetKeyValueEx ( svKeyName , "" , REGDB_STRING , szName , -1 );
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell", "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\open", "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\print", "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\open\\command", "");
//RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\print\\command", "");
RegDBSetKeyValueEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\open\\command", "", REGDB_STRING, szApp, -1);
//RegDBSetKeyValueEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\print\\command", "", REGDB_STRING, szApp, -1);
return 0;
end; //End of function MakeAssociationEx
function MakeAssociationEx2(szApp, szExtension, szName)
BOOL bResult;
NUMBER nResult;
STRING svKeyName;
RegDBSetDefaultRoot ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT );
StrSub ( svKeyName , szExtension , 1 , 3 );
svKeyName = svKeyName + ".Document";
// bResult = RegDBKeyExist(szExtension);
// if (bResult = TRUE) then
// nResult = AskYesNo ("Warning the extension " + szExtension + " is already registered. Overwrite?", YES);
// if (nResult = NO) then
// return -1;
// endif;
// endif;
LongPathToShortPath (szApp);
szApp = szApp + " \"%1\"";
RegDBCreateKeyEx (szExtension, "");
RegDBSetKeyValueEx ( szExtension , "" , REGDB_STRING , svKeyName , -1 );
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName, "");
RegDBSetKeyValueEx ( svKeyName , "" , REGDB_STRING , szName , -1 );
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell", "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\open", "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\print", "");
//RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\open\\command", "");
RegDBCreateKeyEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\print\\command", "");
//RegDBSetKeyValueEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\open\\command", "", REGDB_STRING, szApp, -1);
RegDBSetKeyValueEx (svKeyName + "\\shell\\print\\command", "", REGDB_STRING, szApp, -1);
return 0;
end; //End of function MakeAssociationEx2
function OnMoved()
MakeAssociation(TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe", ".htx",TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe,0" );
MakeAssociation(TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe", ".hwx",TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe,0" );
MakeAssociationEx1(TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe", ".htx",TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe,0" );
MakeAssociationEx1(TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe", ".hwx",TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe,0" );
MakeAssociationEx2(TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe /p", ".htx",TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe,0" );
MakeAssociationEx2(TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe /p", ".hwx",TARGETDIR ^ "\\bin" ^ "XSViewer.exe,0" );
//MessageBox ("HANDY Groupware 클라이언트가 설치 완료 되었습니다.", INFORMATION);